We Rent Flexim FLUXUS F601 Clamp - On Ultrasonic Flow Meters by the Weekday, with Free Weekends and Unlimited Technical Support.
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Our Flexim FLUXUS F601’s are considered the most advanced, reliable and accurate ultrasonic flow meters in the world. All our flow meters are Dual-Channel (two pipes at once), Dual-Mode (Doppler or Transit-Time) Clamp-On Ultrasonic Liquid Flow Meters, capable of measuring instantaneous, averaged or totalized Volume, Mass, or Velocity Flow or Energy in Watts, BTU or Jules through any rigid pipe or tube from 1/4" to 256" in diameter, all while storing 100,000 time stamped data records at speeds up to 70ms per record.
All our meters are shipped via FedEx International Express “Priority Overnight” from our central warehouse in Harrisburg Pennsylvania, to any location in the USA or Canada, with delivery the following day.
When the meter arrives at your prefered destination, open the box and give us a call, and we’ll help you program and install the meter to match your application.
When you send the meter back, we'll download your recorded data and email it back to you in EXCEL spreadsheet format, for no additional charge.
Give us a call Toll Free at 866-337-4356 or 717-697-8546 to get your rental started today.
Rest assured; our meters are COVID-19 free; in fact, they may be the cleanest tools on your job-site!
Do you think you need a Doppler Flowmeter?
Maybe not .. find out here.
With over 5,000 Clients .... we've solved every liquid and gas flow measurement problem you can imagine.
Renting our Flexim Ultrasonic Flow Meters is a simple process. Give us a call from anywhere in the USA or Canada and we'll supply you with clamp on Doppler and Transit-Time flowmeters for any complicated Liquid or Energy application through pipes ranging from 1/4 to 256 inches in diameter ...
Why buy a piece of Cheap Junk .... when you can Rent the most powerful Flexim FLUXUS Ultrasonic Flow Meters in the world?
We believe you should rent the most powerful Flexim FLUXUS Ultrasonic Flow Meters in the world. Experience has proven that you don't want to rent cheap junk. As a result, we stock high quality Flexim meters, ready for same-day shipping anywhere in the USA or Canada.
Our Rental Flowmeters .... are designed with the operator in mind for difficult locations and tough applications.
Over the past 18 years our clients have given us “wish lists” for the perfect Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meters. As a result, we've chosen to stock a complete line of Flexim FLUXUS F601 Liquid flow meters for any complicated flow measurement application.
Quick Start Guides ....
we have Manuals and Quick Start Guides for all our products
We have detailed manuals for all our powerful clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters, but if you're only making simple flow measurements, why read all the complicated manuals? We have Quick Start Guides to simplify your experience. Or better yet, each and every time you have a question, give us a call ...
North America ....
FlowRental has > 5,000 clients distributed throughout North America as follows ...........
BC British Columbia
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SK Saskatchewan
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NB New Brunswick
Bathurst, Moncton, St. John, Fredricton
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Halifax, Sidney
NF Newfoundland
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New York; Bronx; Queens, Rochester, Buffalo
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SD South Dakota
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WV West Virginia
WI Wisconsin
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WY Wyoming
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